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Two routers on the same network

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 Right now I have a network down in the shop and one upstairs in the private area. I would like both networks to connect to different routers to different ISPs but I would like all PCs to be accessible. I have one Mac that is on both with two network cards but I don't have double wires in every room.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

The only way to do that is to manipulate the routing table. Unfortunately that is not a feature at the moment, definitely one for the future. Only problem is it can mess up your router. So we need to be careful about it. 

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i have a simular requirement

i actually run 4 networks with 2 ISP connections

3 vlans going over 1 and 1 vlan over the other.

intervlan routing works for most but as the netduma doesnt support custom routes i cant access that one from the rest :(


is there some kind of "unsupported" assisted way of getting 1 additional route in?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Yes petjev, if people want I can remote access their router and add a static route.


EDIT You need new patch(current one) that has a toggle for remote access so you can allow Netduma to access it. 

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This has nothing to do with the Duma Iain it’s a general question in general networking section. I hope someone can help me setup  a network where a private and professional network work together that involves a server and the private and pro network use different routers and ISPs. Of course the Duma is one of those routers. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

yeah that should be pretty easy to do. You'll need a router for each line and you'll need to be able to modify the routing table for both of them so they know about each other. Then you're good to go!

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ya you would need to modify routing table in Duma and the other router connected to the other line. They basically need to be aware of each other.

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