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Geo Question..


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Here's a snapshot I took during a game.  I made the geo radius small for testing.  Was I connected to the dedicated server in WA?  If so, why when that's outside of my geo filter and PA is set to 0?  Also, why are there solid circles outside of my geo range?



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Guest Netduma Fraser

Here's a snapshot I took during a game.  I made the geo radius small for testing.  Was I connected to the dedicated server in WA?  If so, why when that's outside of my geo filter and PA is set to 0?  Also, why are there solid circles outside of my geo range?




It looks to me as though you had the Geo-filter disabled, started searching and then realised you hadnt enabled it and so enabled it. However, due to our anti cheat you may have gotten a host outside your radius. http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_anti_cheat 


Or did you perhaps tick strict mode when you were already searching?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

No, it was enabled.  And it's still doing it.  How to resolve it, turn xbox off for 2 min?


EDIT>.. rebooted R1 and all is good.


Fantastic thanks for posting the solution :)

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