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FIFA 16 Can't Connect To EA Servers

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I can't seem to connect to the EA Servers when Geo-Filter is enabled, if I disable it, connect to the servers and then once I've gone into H2H I enable Geo-Filtering it will work. Is this just the way you have to go about doing it or is something up with it? I only received my router today so still figuring things out. 


I notice when Geo-Filter is enabled and it's trying to connect to the servers it has 2 yellow triangles in America... I assume this is where the servers are? Is there a way to let those through so I can connect to the servers? I'd always assumed there would be a UK server!



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So FIFA isn't my game, but we have several here who play and I imagine they will be along.


Since you just got your router, can we start with the basics?


Do you have your home location set correctly?  Do you see any hosts in your home country when you are searching?


IF the games are only hosted in America, or permanently outside of your Geo Filter, you can click on them and RATE them higher in your Allow/Deny list, this will allow them to get through as you have them as "approved" hosts.

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Yep my home location is set to UK. I'm only trying to connect to the servers to get online on FIFA, not actually searching for a match. The only hosts that show are two in America, one looks roughly in the middle and the other on the west coast. 


By rate them higher.. do I have to click on the host and then put the quality percentage up, then hit update?

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So I put that host in America to 100% and it worked immediately haha! Knew it would be something simple!


Hopefully I've done that right. Didn't realise that you had to connect to a server in America though. 

Glad that it worked for you.


I honestly don't KNOW whether you have to connect to only US based servers - as I said I haven't played the game.  It's entirely possible that one of those servers is mis-located and just needs to be updated.  


I'm hoping a normal FIFA player will be along and can give us both some tips.  On the Misc settings screen, you may want to make sure you have both the cloud boxes ticked in case the Duma team has pushed a cloud update for this game.  They have just recently did a large cloud update for Halo5, CoD and a couple of others, so maybe FIFA was included, I honestly don't know.


In any event, glad you are fixed and are up and running.  Happy gaming. :)

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