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  • DumaOS Routers Owned
    EE WiFi Enhancer

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  1. The lan cable disconnected across multiple PS4 pro, then back up in a sec or 2. I might rollback router fm.
  2. Ok, np. Thank you for replying. Since I upgraded rx500 to latest firmware, my PS4 pro randomly says lan cable disconnected. At first it was everything connected to router but now just my PS4, I will replace/test lan cable, and try different lan port on router, I also heard a switch between PS4 and router fixes that. I'll have to try. Thanks again.
  3. Yes, any speed test, for now it's working. Had to restart router and I'm trying not to change the sliders. It seemed like the more I fine tuned it it would mess up.
  4. I have a problem with qos and network speed measurements, the qos wont work because network overview/snapshot isnt measuring data usage, i pull 260 download and it only says 0.0021 or some low number like that. it did work but was trying to dialin qos settings. any thing i can do to fix this? I restart router and it fixes it but what's going to keep it from not workíng, I guess I'll just have to test it every now and then.
  5. Maybe i should downgrade to latest r1 firmware?
  6. I agree, however when i use an old tplink router i have no problems, switch back and it kicks me again. Maybe coincidence but no way to really know.
  7. No i have tried with and without. After factory reset it works for a bit, but always comes back in hour or too.
  8. Dumaos r1 kicks me from rdr2, Geo filter is off, anti bloat off or on, ive done a factory reset. When i plug in directly to the modem Its fine. Not sure what to do. Thanks for the help
  9. well after alot of speed tests and pinging at the same i get best latency at 140/19. so i quess it doesnt matter but i would like to know if this is a problem with my unit or software limitations.
  10. hi i have netduma r1 and i get full download and upload with slider to 100% on download, bandwidth is set to 350/30 speed i actually get is 346/22. now with slider to 99% it download goes down to 146mbps. even if i set bandwidth to 600 so i can fine tune it better, at 99% its still only 146mbps. i did factory reset, reboot. none helped. im thinking there is a software limitation on the max antiflood will allow. anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work right?
  11. nvm i got it had to manually configure dns servers from ipvanish.
  12. ok so i kept messing with but keep get dns error and cant connect to any thing,
  13. ok i had to do a factory reset to r1, and it connects but i go to network test on ps4 and i get dns error and no internet
  14. hi, i followed direction, but im getting tls handshake error error shown below Wed Jan 31 16:39:23 2018 WARNING: file '/tmp/vpncred' is group or others accessible Wed Jan 31 16:39:23 2018 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts Wed Jan 31 16:39:23 2018 Socket Buffers: R=[163840->131072] S=[163840->131072] Wed Jan 31 16:39:23 2018 UDPv4 link local: [undef] Wed Jan 31 16:39:23 2018 UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET] Wed Jan 31 16:40:23 2018 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity) Wed Jan 31 16:40:23 2018 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed Wed Jan 31 16:40:23 2018 SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting vpn details client dev tun proto udp remote chi-a17.ipvanish.com 443 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun persist-remote-ip ca ca.ipvanish.com.crt verify-x509-name chi-a17.ipvanish.com name auth-user-pass comp-lzo verb 3 auth SHA256 cipher AES-256-CBC keysize 256 tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-DSS-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA <ca> -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIErTCCA5WgAwIBAgIJAMYKzSS8uPKDMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDQUAMIGVMQswCQYD VQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCRkwxFDASBgNVBAcTC1dpbnRlciBQYXJrMREwDwYD VQQKEwhJUFZhbmlzaDEVMBMGA1UECxMMSVBWYW5pc2ggVlBOMRQwEgYDVQQDEwtJ UFZhbmlzaCBDQTEjMCEGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYUc3VwcG9ydEBpcHZhbmlzaC5jb20w HhcNMTIwMTExMTkzMjIwWhcNMjgxMTAyMTkzMjIwWjCBlTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx CzAJBgNVBAgTAkZMMRQwEgYDVQQHEwtXaW50ZXIgUGFyazERMA8GA1UEChMISVBW YW5pc2gxFTATBgNVBAsTDElQVmFuaXNoIFZQTjEUMBIGA1UEAxMLSVBWYW5pc2gg Q0ExIzAhBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWFHN1cHBvcnRAaXB2YW5pc2guY29tMIIBIjANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAt9DBWNr/IKOuY3TmDP5x7vYZR0DGxLbX U8TyAzBbjUtFFMbhxlHiXVQrZHmgzih94x7BgXM7tWpmMKYVb+gNaqMdWE680Qm3 nOwmhy/dulXDkEHAwD05i/iTx4ZaUdtV2vsKBxRg1vdC4AEiwD7bqV4HOi13xcG9 71aQ55Mj1KeCdA0aNvpat1LWx2jjWxsfI8s2Lv5Fkoi1HO1+vTnnaEsJZrBgAkLX pItqP29Lik3/OBIvkBIxlKrhiVPixE5qNiD+eSPirsmROvsyIonoJtuY4Dw5K6pc NlKyYiwo1IOFYU3YxffwFJk+bSW4WVBhsdf5dGxq/uOHmuz5gdwxCwIDAQABo4H9 MIH6MAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wHQYDVR0OBBYEFEv9FCWJHefBcIPX9p8RHCVOGe6u MIHKBgNVHSMEgcIwgb+AFEv9FCWJHefBcIPX9p8RHCVOGe6uoYGbpIGYMIGVMQsw CQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCRkwxFDASBgNVBAcTC1dpbnRlciBQYXJrMREw DwYDVQQKEwhJUFZhbmlzaDEVMBMGA1UECxMMSVBWYW5pc2ggVlBOMRQwEgYDVQQD EwtJUFZhbmlzaCBDQTEjMCEGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYUc3VwcG9ydEBpcHZhbmlzaC5j b22CCQDGCs0kvLjygzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ0FAAOCAQEAI2dkh/43ksV2fdYpVGhY aFZPVqCJoToCez0IvOmLeLGzow+EOSrY508oyjYeNP4VJEjApqo0NrMbKl8g/8bp LBcotOCF1c1HZ+y9v7648uumh01SMjsbBeHOuQcLb+7gX6c0pEmxWv8qj5JiW3/1 L1bktnjW5Yp5oFkFSMXjOnIoYKHyKLjN2jtwH6XowUNYpg4qVtKU0CXPdOznWcd9 /zSfa393HwJPeeVLbKYaFMC4IEbIUmKYtWyoJ9pJ58smU3pWsHZUg9Zc0LZZNjkN lBdQSLmUHAJ33Bd7pJS0JQeiWviC+4UTmzEWRKa7pDGnYRYNu2cUo0/voStphv8E VA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- </ca> anything wrong? how do i fix. thanks
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