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Brad welsh

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  1. I have a modem I think and I have the netduma plugged in beneath me I'm thinking of buying tp links but idk if it's a good idea
  2. My speeds are still worse but my NAT type has improved thank you, I followed all the steps and my speeds have decreased even further is it my internet provider or your router? Because I followed the steps to a T, it has gone from 20 down 1 up to 14 down 0.6 up should I get a tp link or change provider or both
  3. I purchased the r1 router and plugged it into my sky router in the other room and my connection speeds have got worse and my NAT type has gone strict I don't know how to resolve the issue and need guidance because I wanted to stream and play gameplay but the netduma doesn't allow me to do that? Please help.
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