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COD:AW Observations


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Hi all,


I just wanted to share some stuff I experienced with cod:aw on xbone. I think everybody heard about the terrible connections in aw.

What I noticed is that in previous cod's when I was downloading at the same time when playing I would skip around (lag), this was so obvious that I immediately knew my bandwidth was saturated (I have 19,3 down and 2,1 up) and my routers bandwidth graph would also show this. In aw though it is almost not noticeable, I can fully utilize my connection and experience nothing of it while playing aw, I even dare to say I have better games when my line is saturated than when I am not downloading. This is something really easy to test and I am interested if others have experienced the same (just try and tell me what you r experience is).


Next to that I noticed (I already posted this somewhere else in the forum) that both my xboxes say the have open NAT if checked from the console itself but aw list both as moderate. Which one to believe ?


My R1 arrives today (hopefully) and can't wait to tinker with it.


just my two cents

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Unless I'm mistaken, you would need to port trigger rather than port forward or even DMZ both of your consoles. Otherwise the router isn't going to know where to send information to since both Xbox devices are pulling/pushing at the same ports.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

In my humble opinion you should always try reduce ping. Thats the root issue.


If you are behind a modem or a router in "modem mode" then our router should open NATs for both xboxs using UPnP. If however you're behind another router, the R1 tries it best to open the port upstream but some routers just don't respond. If thats the case we help you manually set up the upstream router to get an open NAT.


Can't wait to hear your thoughts. Enjoy gaming on the R1


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