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  1. If router is set up correctly. Last thing is ping plotter or a 1 on 1.
  2. When u play with friend are you host or him? If you arent then netduma doesn't 100% work. As you can see in geo filter you are connecting to God knows where with God knows who.
  3. Under misc tab, at the top you'll see wifi. Open WiFi tab you'll see channels 1 - 11 and encryption.
  4. I manually set mine on channel 7, wpa2-psk2 Maybe try a router reboot. Max download speed I've seen on this router is 50 Meg. If you have Android phone. Get WiFi analyzer. Shows channels around you that are less congested.
  5. Everything should be connected to r1. Even wireless. You can take screen shots from camera, ps4, pc. Whatever.
  6. You mean through miscellaneous? Ip / port or you using Or http://r1
  7. He means it works if u don't try to port forward or modify the router. If u jus plug in and do what they recommend. It works. But problem is with congestion control aka buffer bloat. Doesn't work for everyone. Port forward doesn't work as it makes router inoperable. Upnp doesn't work good enough and Its a security flaw. At the moment geo filter only works with strict off, PA off. Miles radius only works atm on Infinite warfare. Hopefully they will fix this. Cuz it's worthless if ping isn't working as that's what fixes lag. Distance doesn't mean much except from u to server. Which I'm next to a server, most players aren't. It's impossible to get 2 ps4 open nat type for cod. You are warned if that's only reason you are buying this router... U can not, it's first ps4 turned on gets open nat.
  8. Goodluck everyone. Not many communities give back. Unless you are breaking records or sponsors. Awesome job Duma team
  9. Ah can't use that with Duma tho. Wish we did jus have access to geo filter or company would sell jus that software. Meh maybe one day. Really only part so far that's nice. Everything else is on dlink gaming router and Asus. So far geo filter is next to worthless banning people since we don't know circle to graph. So we wait... See what's in store with this network thing
  10. Um now that right there be too fucking perfect genius right there. How the hell do u get that? U jus posted annonymous.
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