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Destiny - Quail, Beaver, General Network Errors

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I changed to 0 ping assist. Im not using strict mode. First game of the day and american gets into the lobby, it shows up later than all the EU folks and i get an error. Second game i try theres a connection from indonesia and japan, disabled to not get another error. Whats going on? Before this update the only times i would get an error would be if i got into a game already running and not disable before i got into the game, now im getting errors whíle loading into new games.

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Sorry only seen the tail end of this thread. Redcheat can you schedule a 1 on 1 with Fraser. He will find the IDs and we will push that to everyone.



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Also being kicked mid flight to every match. Regular crucible matches and Trials. The only thing I can guess is that the fireteam leader of the other players are within the range of the geofilter but the other ppl in his/her fireteam are not..  The 2 other ppl in my fireteam live within 20 miles of me and they are not being booted from any of the games I am.

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So a question about these IDs. Are there one ID per person? If so how on earth will you be able to find all IDs yourself? Or is it region based? Because im getting tons of people coming into my lobbys thats outside of the range, like americans, middleeast etc.

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So a question about these IDs. Are there one ID per person? If so how on earth will you be able to find all IDs yourself? Or is it region based? Because im getting tons of people coming into my lobbys thats outside of the range, like americans, middleeast etc.


Each IP has it's own unique ID yes. I'm specifically looking for potential dedicated servers/servers that need to be whitelisted to prevent booting. Then with your help I can do mis located IDs. Unless your range is huge strict off should allow you things around your radius. Make sure PA at 0 also

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Each IP has it's own unique ID yes. I'm specifically looking for potential dedicated servers/servers that need to be whitelisted to prevent booting. Then with your help I can do mis located IDs. Unless your range is huge strict off should allow you things around your radius. Make sure PA at 0 also


My radius is about 1000km, with or without PA on 0 or 30 without strict i still get people from US,ASIA etc into the lobbys. There is no dedicated servers in destiny by the way, all P2P.

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I managed to test it very quickly last night and can recreate the issue which is great because now I can collect the IDs myself and get a cloud out, so hope to do that by the end of the week


Excellent. I think we might get somewhere now! Looking forward to getting this cloud update.

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