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Trying to Set Up and Optimize My R1

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I got my R1 on the 28th. Hooked it up and unfortunate to say I was rather disappointed with the results I was getting in Advanced Warfare. Nowhere near the kinds of results I saw in the many review videos I watched. I updated to .7 firmware and filtered out several bad hosts with the geo-filter, but I am still not seeing any big improvements compared to what I had with my previous router. The hit detection is better but only in some games. Over the past 3 nights I have only had maybe 3 games with better hit detection than I used to have. I have a feeling that I have some things set up wrong so I'm hoping I can get some assistance to help get me using this thing to its full potential.


First off according to Speedtest.net as of now my Upload is 2.57mbps my Download is 18.36mpbs and my Ping is 25ms. (this is weird because the last time I ran this test a couple days go I got 38Up, 5Down and 19ms ping)


So here are the things I primarily need help with:


1. Should I DMZ my PS4 with this router? I noticed last night that my NAT in Advanced Warfare was Moderate and it always used to be Open with my old router because I had it in DMZ.


2.  In Settings my UPnP is Enabled but in Miscellaneous 'Enable UPnP Forwarding' is not, Should I leave this as is or should I enable it?


3. How does my Geo-Filter work when playing with a party? Do I have to be the party host or does it not matter? I originally had my geo-filter set to around 1000km but when partied up with friends (I was host) we were unable to find any games that were playable. When I partied with them I noticed some big red circles appeared on the Geo map (outside my filter) so assuming those circles represented my friends I gave them a 100% rating and updated them to my Allow list.  We were still unable to find suitable games, some games were extremely laggy where people were skipping all over the screen. I had to expand my filter to nearly 3000km for us to be able to find games that were playable.


4. I set my Anti-Flood to reactive and my caps are both at 50%. I originally had them at 70% but as I mentioned my results weren't that great so I put them to 50% to try it out and I'm not really sure what kind of difference it made if any at all. I need help deciding what is a good cap % based on my network.


That's it for now I think. I know its a lot right off the bat but I really didn't know which to start with so I thought Id just lay it all out in one thread. Also I have Unchecked Enable Deep Packet Processing, just to put that out there.


Thanks in advance.




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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Vile,


Sorry to hear about your experience, don't worry I'm sure we can help. Its our policy to only deal with quantitative metrics in particular ping.  So we won't diagnose hit detection , k/d ratio or anything like that. Can you please tell me what ping you are getting in game? Do you know how to use the ping feature?


I'll try address your other points one at a time:




First off according to Speedtest.net as of now my Upload is 2.57mbps my Download is 18.36mpbs and my Ping is 25ms. (this is weird because the last time I ran this test a couple days go I got 38Up, 5Down and 19ms ping)

Right that sounds like your throttling, in fact further down the post you mention you have your anti-flood set to 50% each way. So I'd recommend setting it to 100% when you're not playing to get full bandwidth. So please rerun the speed test after setting it to 100%.  While I'm here I'll explain that, when other people make you lag its because they are download/uploading too fast which causes queueing. By reducing the speed at which the download/upload it can reduce or eliminate queueing and therefore stop you lagging. So I recommend setting those bars to around 70% when you are playing.




 Should I DMZ my PS4 with this router? I noticed last night that my NAT in Advanced Warfare was Moderate and it always used to be Open with my old router because I had it in DMZ.


Ok this sounds like you're behind another router. So lets open your NAT for you, first go to "Device Manger" on the Duma. You'll see "WAN IP" at the top of the page. Please record the IP address it has written. Remember that, then click the button in the blue box to take you to your other router. Please login and find a DMZ page on there, once you do put that IP address in it. After doing that restart your PS4 and you should see an Open NAT.




In Settings my UPnP is Enabled but in Miscellaneous 'Enable UPnP Forwarding' is not, Should I leave this as is or should I enable it?


I would keep both of them enabled for your setup.




How does my Geo-Filter work when playing with a party? Do I have to be the party host or does it not matter? I originally had my geo-filter set to around 1000km but when partied up with friends (I was host) we were unable to find any games that were playable. When I partied with them I noticed some big red circles appeared on the Geo map (outside my filter) so assuming those circles represented my friends I gave them a 100% rating and updated them to my Allow list.  We were still unable to find suitable games, some games were extremely laggy where people were skipping all over the screen. I had to expand my filter to nearly 3000km for us to be able to find games that were playable.


I know obviously you weren't aware when you posted, but in future we can only deal with the ping value you were getting when playing. So the most important thing is the largest circle when the game is playing. That circle is the host, so please report back the ping. The ideal settings for the geo-filter are not constant it completely depends when you live. I recommend using the snap button though. Press it at least once or twice to find optimum searching locations. Also are you using the new "Playstation Network PA" which allows ping assist to work?




4. I set my Anti-Flood to reactive and my caps are both at 50%. I originally had them at 70% but as I mentioned my results weren't that great so I put them to 50% to try it out and I'm not really sure what kind of difference it made if any at all. I need help deciding what is a good cap % based on my network.


I explained this above, when you're not playing set it to 100%. When you are playing I recommend setting it to 70% or below. This will only make a difference if other people are using your network.


What I recommend you do to get the problem solved, is first run an "Internet diagnosis" on the duma. Post that here then post back the pings you are getting while playing please.  


Also if you haven't already on the geo-filter page please check "Strict Mode". 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

One other thing when testing your NAT, please make sure the geo-filter is disabled. It can make the PS return a false result. If you have an Open NAT with geo-filter off then in reality you also have one when its on.

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Thank you for reply! I put my anti-flood caps up to 100% and ran speedtest and indeed I got my old speeds back.


Regarding the DMZ/Open NAT. I have my gateway modem which is also a router and that is wired into the R1. I do not have anything else in between those two devices. I found my WAN IP address in the R1 and wrote it down but I do not see a button or a blue box anywhere.


As for Ping in games I would say I was averaging around 50ms most of the time. Some games I noticed were as high as 100ms and they were pretty laggy. Some were as low as 25ms and were generally much smoother. I had my Ping Assist set to 40ms. I am not sure what Playstation Network PA is or how to enable it, unless its just my Ping Assist bar then as I said I had it set to 40ms.


I'm gonna tweet you the screen shot of the Internet Diagnosis because I cant figure out how to post it here.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok if you don't see the blue box at the top you're good to go. So I recommend you disable UPnP forwarding in "Settings > Misc" then disable the geo-fitler and run a NAT test. I believe you will see it says its open now.


Ok to the meat & potatoes of the problem. I saw your internet diagnosis test. Your connection is good, but not amazing. Based on the info from that connection the absolute best connection you'll get is 25ms, which lines up with what you said. But realistically it will be a bit higher but thats fine it shouldn't be too high assuming there are players.


50ms ping isn't great, and 100ms is god awful. Can you post a screenshot of your geo-filter page here please. The entire page, so if you need to do two screenshots that is fine.  To attach a picture you need to click "More Reply Options" then you can attach pictures mate.

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Ok I disabled UPnP Forwarding. I disabled Geo Filter and ran Internet Test on my PS4 and I get Nat Type 2. I went to check my NAT in Advanced Warfare but they are having server issues and it wont let me into the multiplayer screen to see.


Just to be clear I have had Type 2 on my PS4 before yet still had an Open Nat in the multiplayer menu of the game. The only way Ive ever been able to achieve a Type 1 NAT on my PS4 is to hardwire directly into my modem.


As of last night though my in game NAT on AW was Moderate.


I've been thinking about upgrading to an internet package that offers 150mbps down and 15mbps up. Do you think that would make a significant difference in my gaming performance?



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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok a few things going on here. Lets solve the NAT issue first. Please switch off the playstation, reboot the router. Then make sure the geo-filter is disabled. Its disabled when the button says "Enable" because the button actually means the action it will do.  Then check your NAT it should Open.


Please can you take a screenshot of the top of your screen. Finally your range is rather large, I'd recommend trying to include NY and Chicago and thats about it. Then give it a go on solo.


Finally I don't think increasing your bandwidth will help with gaming. If you go to the "Network Montior" while you play you'll see how little games actually use.


But anyway assuming the NAT issue is resolved can you reduce filter to said size and play maybe 5-10 games. Just back out after 2mins and tell me what sort of pings you're getting, are they steady as well?

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Ok I disabled Geo-filter, turned off PS4, rebooted router. Waited a minute. Turned PS4 back on, ran test, still says Type 2. Also still cant get into AW mp screen.


I originally had my filter range set low, like NY/Chicago range and I was playing solo with varying results. Out of approx. 10 games I would say 2-3 were running nice and smooth. The rest felt pretty much the same as with my old router.


I had to expand my filter because it seemed to be the only thing that made playing with friends possible. Id say my ratio of playing solo compared to with friends is about 50/50.


In the screen shot my Geo Filter is disabled but only because I just disabled it to run the Nat test.


We may have to continue this another time because the PSN and/or AW servers are experiencing issues and many people including myself can not get on to play. I can get on PSN but not AW.


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Guest Netduma_Iain

Right sorry to say but I'd have to have ping results to help. Lets try resolve your ping issues when AW is back, I guess the best thing to do is run a bunch of games and just post your ping graph with the filter extended to include NY/Chicago area.  Also post the map along side it so we can see the host. If the pings are still high it may be a local congestion issue.Unless you want to try with BOPs or another game in the meantime.


To help with NAT though can you take a screenshot of your "Settings > UPnP" page please. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok that looks good you should have an open NAT. That means you must be behind another router, can you take a screenshot of your Device Manager page please.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

This is beyond strange now. You are definitely behind a modem & UPnP table shows the playstation coming up fine. Do you have multiple consoles by any chance ?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

OK that would explain it. Please make sure on both playstations that in network settings "Address Settings" is set to automatic. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

You should switch off all playstations. Then reboot the router, wait 2mins then start only one playstation. Make sure the geo-filter is disabled and you should have an open NAT both in the game and the dashboard.


Finally please don't do any testing when the system is down as usually the results are terrible. 

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I wanted to gather more data but PSN is down tonight so Ill just share the few shots I took last night of my ping graph.


One thing though, I am unsure how accurate these are because they were all taken just before the match started. Does that matter? I assumed once everyone was in a lobby and a host was selected then the ping graph will be pretty accurate at that point, or does the game actually have to be in session for the ping graph to give an accurate reading?


Either way these are the 4 shots I took all from different hosts.


I would also like to add that I ran a speed test again just a few minutes ago and got 40down and 5up (approx) with 25ms ping. It was recommended that I use the Reactive anti-flood algorithm yet I'm under the 50mbps bandwidth recommendation for Reactive so I'm wondering if Preemptive would suit me more?


If I need to share more ping data I will gather more screen shots in my next gaming session, I would just like to know the best time to take the screen shot so I can maximize the effectiveness of the data :)







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Those graphs look good now Vile. Picture 3 as I can see it has a slightly larger than normal spike that I would like to see in my games but assuming that was a once off I would be happy with those.


In ping can be before then game and then continue throughout. Normally before the game may be slightly lower as the full game traffic is not being transmitted but it shouldn't make a huge difference (we are talking small amounts of data here).


For your settings re reactive / preemptive, as your download speed is below 50 mpbs I would recommend setting to preemptive.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Yes everything Buds said is correct. Specifically:

  1. Those pings for most part look good to very good
  2. I know you're a competitive player so you're focused on the game but if you can glance at it in game, it should be similar


Yup I would also recommend keeping pre-emptive.  As you're streaming some of our pro testers have found they like to keep Xbox on 15% and streaming PC around 80% on the bandwidth distribution. You can play with those settings but honestly those ping's look very good. 

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