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quadcopter racing/fpv


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not sure if this counts as sport yet... but also ties heavily in with gaming with the way you do it.


anyone here into this "hobby"? my uncle introduced me to it this summer and have been flying micros around getting ready to jump into FPV flying. for those who havent seen this yet and just know them as "drones" flown by assholes getting in the way and a public nuisance here is a video from the guy who won the Nationals a few weeks back.



the guy running in the field at the beginning is Charpu who is among the best in the world and also the Animation Director at Dreamworks Studios.


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i LOVE those videos, saw a TV report about people doing it in the Alps and man it looked SO AWESOME

id really like to try it on my own, although id need some training in flying a quadcoper first lol



any recommendations for entry budget flying? (and FPV too?)

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I started with a hubsan x4 flying Line of Sight. Smashed it all up, now I have Frankensteined those parts into some frames. That's usually where you start out at. if you get good at a $50 micro you will know if you want to fully take on the big investment.


Then people move into the 250mm racers with the fpv. I however since I live in city and keeping a little cheaper for now and safer am doing a 135mm micro H frame with FPV that I'm building. Then after I master that will start sinking the money into the 250s.


To be honest, it's such a new thing there are zero standards, you really have to cobble your stuff together and fixing stuff is half of the sport. Definately not cheap.

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its an Armattan Morphite V2 w/ 224mm arms

SP Racing F3 Flight Controller

Lumineer 2204/2300kv motors

Rotorgeeks RG20 ESCs

FrSky X4R-SB Rx

FX799 200mW vTx

PZ Mini 600tvl CCD Camera

gemfan 5030 props.

Mobius HD Cam


think thats about it on that setup.


i was using FatShark Teleporter V4 goggles.

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so another video i did today... details in the description. i am doing a Road to Acro series which is full manual mode instead of having the aircraft level itself by its gyro... but its much harder, but worth it as you can be much more precise with much greater control. you can actually see in the videos i have posted where i am "fighting" against the levelling mechanism.


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i cant imagine how it would be possible. its all analog... nevermind how you would even do it but with an arduino and some programming skills i dont know why a custom controller couldnt be made. not something i would want to use a mouse for though.

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