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Unfortunately I didn't.  I usually die before I get one.

yea, me too, haven't really got that close, when I'm doing well I start playing faster, and in this game it's pretty hard to rush and keep a long kill streak.  I think my best is 22 so far.

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I agree, I would love for them to remove SBMM and base it on location/ping.

Ping only. 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80 ms etc etc have it all grouped, each group can only go up 1 level or down 1 level, thats all.


SBMM can stay in ranked but i really do think they cant remove it without massive changes, like its in the core of the program.

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SBMM was something Treyarch and David Vonderhaar were big on (Black Ops 2), that was until gamers hated it and David Vonderhaar gave in to the consumer and got rid of it. Many seem to believe that Sledgehammer Games 'borrowed' much of the BO2 coding for AW, I'm skeptical about it being difficult to remove without serious issues.


BO2 has its issues but honestly speaking, with the Netduma it is a great/fun game now.

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Okay what is X1M ?


It is a keyboard and mouse adapter for consoles.


Basically it allows PC players to make the transition relatively easily to the consoles if they choose.

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i also have nice scores, but no DNA yet ... I'm more a "support" player as i play with IMR (i love it really) and i'm not that skilled in rushing and dashing at the same time ... Even if nuclear or moab were reached on the previous releases (ahhh the mp7 :P)


my best ratio for the moment is 24.1.


my equipment is :  cronusmax + xim3 + sony move controler + logitech g27 + 27" inches pc gamer lcd ... all that connected to my xbox one :) ... honestly, i'm far from being bad as a support player and if you don't like the paladin smell, then you'd better play with me rather than against me ahah

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