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Netduma PC use


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First off,  I truly believe in what you guys are trying to do with this router and I am patient regarding any issues that come up :) .  Given the amount of money and the lengths I have went to in the past ( settings for this, settings for that, config files, windows settings, video card settings, game settings,  you name it I've tried it ) in an effort to get lag free games :huh:  I can certainly now have some patience regarding this great new product!!!


Received new router ( thank you) and I have a few questions regarding it's use on PC


On the host filter section, the drop down associated with my PC does not have a PC option.  The options are consoles and a few games, what option should I use,  to be sure that I am actually using the host filter correctly?


When I click host analysis, there is no host analysis, it says " no recent games available", so I'm not sure if the router is recognizing PC games.


The host filter does show the revolving blue line within circle and for one or two games it does show that there are hosts outside the line in yellow and those withing the line as red, which makes me think the host filter is working, but then after a game or two there are no longer any red within the circle only yellow host makers outside of the circle, where previously there were many hosts/server within the blue circle.    I have the distance set to 1200--2000km, or eastern half of US roughly.  It seams as though I get a couple of good games when first starting the PC and then after that, the same lag issues are back.  


I play COD games  Blops 2, AW, and Ghosts) I also play older COD's, but those have server browser, so I don't really need the host filtering for those.


Overall I'm sure the router worked at first, played Ghosts, which was unplayable recently on PC and had several great games.....very fun indeed.


Perhaps I need to refresh router? browser?  Perhaps player count on PC is to low? In general what are the limitations for PC when using the R1.  Clearly consoles are the focus, but perhaps more PC updates / improvements are on the way.  Or possibly I am doing something incorrectly, which is very possible:)


Can the transmitter/wifi signal voltage be increased? Possibly a feature to add in the future>  


Any help will be greatly appreciated. :)





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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Electric,


Thanks for purchasing :)


I've got some good news and bad news for you. I'll start with the bad news, according to our buyers guide we don't support CoD on PC for the geo-filter.


The good news is based on what you said, it sounds like its possible to make it work. There are two options to figure it out:

  1. Wait till we port it ourselves, but that won't be for a week at least I'm afraid to say
  2. We give you admin mode and I run you through how to use it 

Hope that helps

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Thanks for the reply, I see now! got so excited about the product, I missed the PC part!.  I see the port forwarding rules under UPnP have the the COD port 3074 listed under the description "DemonwarePortMapping".  Also, I have been able to spend more time, and I can definitely block hosts by distance. Surprisingly it seems ping is not everything, I can get a decent game from hosts in the UK, while some US hosts are of a poor quality, others much better.  


Hopefully COD games can be added to PC Geo filtering, which would seem like a logical addition.  Until then I will continue working with the current build, and wait to see what you guys come up with,  or we can try admin mode in a week or two. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks Electric, that is counter intuitive id argue ping is everything. Based on that I assume you're pinging the wrong target not the actual host. When you get time can you take a screenshot of the geofilter when you're in a game please so I can see which circles appear,


Thank-you for your patience :)

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