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Why am I getting less bandwidth through my Netduma?

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Hello, Im a competitive call of duty player and connection is key for me, I usually get 3000KBPS bandwidth with my standard virgin media router, however with the netduma router im getting 2900KBPS, i know this isnt a huge difference but it's still weird. My connection speeds are 54 download and 3 upload.


Also I cant tell weather the netduma even helps me in game, any response is appreciated, thanks.

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Hi Zane,


How are you performing the test? Specifically:

  • Is it wired or wifi?
  • What website do you use?


To see the host quality use the host-filtering page and the ping feature. Do you know how to do that? 

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Have you followed the steps to increase speed? Including disabling IPv6? If not then follow the instructions here: 




Furthermore 100 Kbps is so small its far more likely its just variance. If you tried your modem 100 times it would fluctuate around 3000kbits. But either way make sure you follow that guide to make sure you have top speeds.


I assume you have because you're getting 50mbits in the other direction which shows it can easily handle above 2.9mbits. 


Once you get it all sorted let us know if you need any help fine tuning for CoD esports. 

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Bandwidth has nothing to do with gaming its all about ping. Reducing the bars means that devices can't download/upload too much causing a queue, that queue is what makes your game lag. As the game packets have to wait in the queue to be delivered. Does that make sense? If not let me know and I'll explain further. 

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  • Netduma Staff

So bandwidth is irrelevant to me when im playing advanced warfare in a private lobby?


Yes, thats correct :) Ping is what matters and capping the speeds to 70% means that there will be no queuing (caused by local congestion) which would increase ping.

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  • Netduma Staff

Thanks alot bro, clears things up for me now :D



Awesome! As it seams like this problem is solved I will close this thread. If you need any more help please feel free to open another one :)

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