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Geofiltering problems

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Hello everyone, I just recently purchase the netduma router and went with the simple installation and it only worked for one day. The geofilter now will not work, it keep on connecting me with severs in Washington state when I live i middle Tennessee, it doesn't filter at all,  I've read all post and went though all the 1,2,3, steps in the post that listed on the forum. Oh yeah by the way the only way I got it to work that one time I had to reset it back to the factory settings but the next day I noticed that my Xbox one had been disabled when I went back to the Geofilter to review the settings. Do anyone out there in Netduma land have a new trick? What causes the geofilter to quit working?

This is a good product, I've seen what it can do first hand, I though this was easy as plug and play?


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  • Netduma Staff

HI Tmarch, welcome to the forums :)

Was this the guide that you used? If it wasn't then can you go through that and make sure you have done everything in it.


If you've already done that, can you take a screen shot of the GeoFilter. We need to see the very top of the GeoFilter page and also the options above the map so you might have to do it in two screen shots.


With that information we can see what the issue is :) But first if you haven't already try the steps in the link. And also, can you make sure you've added the Xbox to the GeoFilter correcty.

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Thanks for the response, I got the screenshots but i'm new to this, I don't know how to get them to the post. I have a older pc running vista. Sorry!

If possible i can email them   what i0rlSmX.png see in the prompt.  

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  • Netduma Staff

You need to enable the device :)

The button should say 'Disable'. This means that it is enabled. Once you do this you should stop connecting to hosts outside of the GeoFilter although ping assist may let a few in.

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  • Netduma Staff

So your not connecting to hosts outside of your GeoFilter anymore?


Make the GeoFilter as small as possible and then press the snap button twice to set it to the most optimum distance. See how long it takes to find games then :)


You may fine it useful to look at this guide to get the right settings for the GeoFilter for the game that you play.

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