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Quick questions

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was trying the search feature on here though no luck on exact topics..


1. can i leave geo-filter always enabled even when device is not in use?


2. what is the Current specific color of a Dedicated Server on the map?  (in videos ive seen people reviewing the netduma and queuing into a lobby say in cod bo3, it shows the dedicated servers as yellow circles. though all i see are red circles.)


2. 1/2 . how will i know its a dedicated server Im connecting to?


3.Should i set congestion to 70% when other people are using internet and im gaming, then slide it back to 100% when im not gaming? 


4. does moving sliders in congestion control stop bandwidth for a moment as it enables?


5. how do you know if YOU are host in a lobby? is this represented with a specific color?


6. lastly howcome say in Destiny, when playing 3v3, everyones red circle is the same size(which in reality would indicate everyone is the host?) i do not understand this



thanks in advance! :)

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was trying the search feature on here though no luck on exact topics..


1. can i leave geo-filter always enabled even when device is not in use?


2. what is the Current specific color of a Dedicated Server on the map?  (in videos ive seen people reviewing the netduma and queuing into a lobby say in cod bo3, it shows the dedicated servers as yellow circles. though all i see are red circles.)


2. 1/2 . how will i know its a dedicated server Im connecting to?


3.Should i set congestion to 70% when other people are using internet and im gaming, then slide it back to 100% when im not gaming? 


4. does moving sliders in congestion control stop bandwidth for a moment as it enables?


5. how do you know if YOU are host in a lobby? is this represented with a specific color?


6. lastly howcome say in Destiny, when playing 3v3, everyones red circle is the same size(which in reality would indicate everyone is the host?) i do not understand this



thanks in advance! :)

1. Yes


2. If I'm correct, each device you add has a different colour which means the circles on the map will match the colour of the console/PC.


2 1/2. If you click the circle, it should have an 'e' on the end of its name


3. That's probably the best way, should probably start doing that myself.


4. No


5. Wouldn't know, 


6. Don't do destiny PVP so can't help you

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question 5 and 6. If all the circles are the same size you are host.

interesting. makes sense as to why my shots were crispy those 2 games.. 


any idea on how long it takes for geo filter to activate after clicking enable on that specific device? 

and how long does it take to become inactive after disabling it? say i switch games or want to play a private match and want to disable geo filter.. how long does it usually take for it to become effective? ( i heard somewhere around 5 mins, any insight on as how long)?

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When you turn it off or on it is pretty much straight away as far as I am aware. However there is an anti cheat feature built in so if you adjust your ping assist for instance it will take up to two minutes to take effect. 


From the wiki.


Geo-Filter Anti-Cheat Feature

There are multiple ways you can connect to another host or player:

  • They are within your distance circle
  • There ping is below your ping assist value
  • The Geo-filter is disabled
  • They are in your allow list

Regardless of what allowed you to connect to a host you'll remain connected to that host till communication has stopped for over 2 mins. 

For example if a player is within your circle, you need to leave the game they are in for over 2 mins and there circle and square has disappeared from the Geo-Filter before they can be filtered again.

This is done so that people can't use the Geo-Filter to boot people out the game. If this didn't exist you could have your filter set large, then shrink it once you start losing to boot other players.

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When you turn it off or on it is pretty much straight away as far as I am aware. However there is an anti cheat feature built in so if you adjust your ping assist for instance it will take up to two minutes to take effect.


From the wiki.

Geo-Filter Anti-Cheat Feature


There are multiple ways you can connect to another host or player:

  • They are within your distance circle

  • There ping is below your ping assist value

  • The Geo-filter is disabled

  • They are in your allow list

Regardless of what allowed you to connect to a host you'll remain connected to that host till communication has stopped for over 2 mins.

For example if a player is within your circle, you need to leave the game they are in for over 2 mins and there circle and square has disappeared from the Geo-Filter before they can be filtered again.

This is done so that people can't use the Geo-Filter to boot people out the game. If this didn't exist you could have your filter set large, then shrink it once you start losing to boot other players.

This makes senses! So I assume this works the same with the filter by distance slider as well correct? Say I'm in a que and can't find a lobby , can I widen the distance radius right then and there and allow it to connect me to a host further without having to wait long also?

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Lastly I when you load up BO3 for example, it connects to all dedicated servers which is visiable. Although how do you know you are being connected to one when in matchmaking ? Seen a video of drift0r connecting to a dedi and it's circle was yellow (when dedicated) is this not the case currently?

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Seen a video of drift0r connecting to a dedi and it's circle was yellow (when dedicated) is this not the case currently?


I think there was an older firmware version where dedis were yellow, on mine they are not yellow.

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Lastly I when you load up BO3 for example, it connects to all dedicated servers which is visiable. Although how do you know you are being connected to one when in matchmaking ? Seen a video of drift0r connecting to a dedi and it's circle was yellow (when dedicated) is this not the case currently?

No the colours simply represent the device, I think red is the 1st device yellow the second etc.  The colours have nothing to do with servers. 

It doesn't connect you to all the dedi's it shows you where they are located.

On blops 3 most of the time you will be connecting to a dedicated server. If you click on the host when in game or after the game and you can temp ban it then it is a dedicated server. 

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Interesting. Was just in a match (peer2peer game) and clicked on host and it said temp ban when it was a console host(another player) also when I loaded up a private match in another game (by myself) I clicked on host(obviously going to be me as host) and it read temp ban on host descriptor as well. pardon me as I am still learning this GUI.

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and when I have buddies join my lobby , should I white list them?


When searching for a public match with them in my lobby I'd like to have peramiters set that way 1 of my buddies and I get closest to host (we team up with other folks from dif parts of u.s.) does the Geo filtering still work when friends are on your lobby?

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