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Usually my ping is around 20 but is spiking up to 60/80 while in game .. also my in game nat type was open for iw and bo3 and has now turned to moderate .. I got the duma a few weeks ago and have really noticed the difference in game .. but this last few days it's not been great

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Your ping looks great from the screenshots you've provided. Especially considering your base ping shown by internet diagnostics. I would reset device prioritisation. However, you shouldn't have any local congestion so sounds like it could be the servers you're connecting to. Move your home location into Europe and block out the ones you usually get and see if it plays any better.


If your NAT has changed and you haven't done anything then your Duma's WAN IP has likely changed. Update the DMZ in your ISP hub with the new one.

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my in game nat type was open for iw and bo3 and has now turned to moderate


On the Xbox, IW uses a different/additional port to BO3.

BO3 used the usual ports AND 3074, IW uses 3076.


Set the following and you will have an open NAT for both.




Your ping looks fine by the way, nice and flat to the dedi.

The server may just have been playing up, you may have got some flakey lobbies, or you might have just hit a load of better players.

I had a great ping to the dedi (7ms) the other day but I couldn't hit a barndoor with a dustbin lid.

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I'm ps4 .. I really don't have the first clue about port forwarding.. the ip address hasn't changed why would it of changed to moderate ... there was definitely a problem yesterday I was lagging a bit wasn't dying a lot just noticed the connections I was getting weren't great. Maybe just server playing up ...

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How do i reset device prioritisation ? .. if I move to Europe servers will that not make ping higher ? So not as good connection ?.. what is dmz and how do I change it


Go to the congestion control page, scroll down and click reset device prioritisation.


Yes but shouldn't be too much. If you're not getting good games with the servers close by then closer European servers should play well still. There is likely a DMZ section in your ISP hub, in which you should input the WAN IP shown on the Netduma device manager. You can see more about this here: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000022359-how-do-i-open-my-nat-


I'm ps4 .. I really don't have the first clue about port forwarding.. the ip address hasn't changed why would it of changed to moderate ... there was definitely a problem yesterday I was lagging a bit wasn't dying a lot just noticed the connections I was getting weren't great. Maybe just server playing up ...


For port forwarding take a look here: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000028196-port-forwarding-settingsyou'll need to type the IP of your console which you can find in device manager. The WAN IP of the Netduma is likely to have changed and if it was in the DMZ before then it would need to be updated.


What is your ping and NAT type like today then?

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I followed the instructions in the link yesterday for open nat .. still moderate today ping is fine and seems to be playing well .. I would just like the nat back to open ..what caused it to change


After I reset congestion control should I leave it as is or move the bar to prioritise the ps4 ?

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I followed the instructions in the link yesterday for open nat .. still moderate today ping is fine and seems to be playing well .. I would just like the nat back to open ..what caused it to change


After I reset congestion control should I leave it as is or move the bar to prioritise the ps4 ?


As I've said, it's like the Netduma WAN IP has changed. Make sure you've done the following:


R1 in DMZ of ISP hub (usually found in Firewall or Security settings) or Hub in modem mode.

UPnP & port forwarding disabled on the ISP hub.

UPnP OR port forwarding enabled on the duma not both

Disable UPnP forwarding in miscellaneous settings on the duma


Once you've reset it leave it like that.

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I hav followed those steps the r1 is in dmz of router the ip address match .. upnp is disabled on both should I enable it on one of them .. that bit isn't clear ?


Make sure it's the WAN IP from the device manager in the DMZ not the address. If you're going to port forward on the R1 then leave UPnP disabled on both. If you're not going to port forward then just enable UPnP on the duma.

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Googleing ps4 ports won't make me understand what to do


So all settings are fine ? .. the only way for open nat is port forwarding?

Go to portforwarding.com and find your game for PS4 and it will give you the correct ports.


Just make sure you go to settings > UPnP and untick the enable box if your going to manually port forward.


I'm on PS4 and I have the following ports entered for IW...


80 tcp

443 tcp

1935 tcp

3478-3480 tcp

3478-3479 udp

9307-9308 udp

3075-3076 tcp /udp

3074 tcp /udp

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I wouldn't know where to start .. where do I type those numbers .. do I need to change the numbers for different games .. I'm trying my best but it's very hard to understand


Hey Mikes; basically, UPnP is something that automatically opens ports. You don't want UPnP on if you're going to open the ports yourself. If you choose to open them yourself it can give you better results (since you know exactly which ones are open etc.) Either UPnP or doing it yourself can get you an open NAT; though if UPnP isn't doing the trick then manually putting them in is the only other option.


First of all, I'd clarify whether UPnP is getting you an open NAT. Try turning off the Geofilter, going into the game and then turning on the Geofilter. Is your NAT open then?


The ports you need to open are listed above by Fuzzy Clam. To open those, go into Port Forwarding (in Settings). You'll see it says "start port" and "end port". If Fuzzy hasn't put a range (i.e 3478-3480) then just type in the number he's said twice. (i.e type 80 in both "Start Port" and "End Port"). Rule Name is just what you want to call it, so name the rule whatever you wish. For "Protocol", just put the one Fuzzy has stated  (TCP or UDP, or both) then click "Add Rule". And then you're done :)


Make sure UPnP is unticked when you do this, and make sure you click "Apply" at the bottom when you're done or you'll lose what you've put in. (Which is always -incredibly- annoying!)


Different games can require other ports, but those ports cover quite a few of them. If you encounter issues with other games, so long as you know how to open ports, you can simply Google the port that game requires and open it. I hope that helps, and I hope it opens your NAT. Let us know how it goes :)

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Go to portforwarding.com and find your game for PS4 and it will give you the correct ports. Are these same ports for bo3 aswell ?


Just make sure you go to settings > UPnP and untick the enable box if your going to manually port forward.


I'm on PS4 and I have the following ports entered for IW...


80 tcp

443 tcp

1935 tcp

3478-3480 tcp

3478-3479 udp

9307-9308 udp

3075-3076 tcp /udp

3074 tcp /udp

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