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Congestion Control Issue

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I'm noticing something weird with congestion control.


My internet service: Xfinity Blast, 150MB down 10MB up. I originally achieved 177MB down and 12MB up on speedtest.net and these are the numbers I put in "Set Bandwidth"


Awhile ago I noticed I would get terrible "Bufferbloat" scores so I reduced my Congestion Control sliders to 98% and 98% which would let me achieve A+ scores across the board in the Bufferbloat tests. But this also reduced my download speed to 155MB down and just under 12MB up.


So i just thought about it and that math doesn't add up. So I increased my sliders back to 100% each and repeated all tests and low and behold I can achieve consistently 220MB down and 12MB up but my Bufferbloat would drop to B's and C's. So I dropped my Congestion Control sliders to 99% each and my speeds dropped to 155MB down and just under 12MB up with A+ scores across the board in Bufferbloat.


Can someone explain how 1% decrease in Congestion Control is reducing my download speeds by 70MB? If I'm getting 220MB @100% shouldn't I get be getting 218MB at 99%? I have repeated this test numerous times and achieve the exact same results each time.

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So I ran a few more tests and think I found a workaround:


It seems the Bufferbloat is coming from the upload. I set my Bandwidth to 220MB down and 12MB up. (My best scores at 100%)


I set my sliders to 100% down and 99% up. This will yield my speedtest at 220MB down and just under 12MB up and my Bufferbloat gets A's across the board instead of A+'s


I still feel there is something wrong with the download slider in Congestion Control and hope someone will look into it. 

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So I ran a few more tests and think I found a workaround:


It seems the Bufferbloat is coming from the upload. I set my Bandwidth to 220MB down and 12MB up. (My best scores at 100%)


I set my sliders to 100% down and 99% up. This will yield my speedtest at 220MB down and just under 12MB up and my Bufferbloat gets A's across the board instead of A+'s


I still feel there is something wrong with the download slider in Congestion Control and hope someone will look into it. 


They know about it, pretty sure there's a 30% buffer in the algorithm

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I wonder how the grading works to get an, A+ on buffet bloat, the best i can get is an A, no matter where i put the sliders.

I can get A+ across the board with my sliders at 99% each. My Bufferbloat scale barely moves but at the sacrifice of killing my download speed by 70MB

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You have not specified which algorithm you are using.


Loosing width is what the CC is designed for, to give headroom for your Ping to stay stable and low, Ping is the true speed of your connection, width is just the pipe it is traveling through.


If you are using reactive a 70mb drop from 99 CC does seem a big chunk but if its working to stop jitter (buffer bloat)


It will stop any local congestion on your network for others streaming, downloading, surfing etc, personally I think  loosing 70mb width is well worth a smooth gaming experience while others use your net :)

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You have not specified which algorithm you are using.


Loosing width is what the CC is designed for, to give headroom for your Ping to stay stable and low, Ping is the true speed of your connection, width is just the pipe it is traveling through.


If you are using reactive a 70mb drop from 99 CC does seem a big chunk but if its working to stop jitter (buffer bloat)


It will stop any local congestion on your network for others streaming, downloading, surfing etc, personally I think  loosing 70mb width is well worth a smooth gaming experience while others use your net :)

I am using Reactive. 

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