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Basing this off what game? Cod? Where no game is ever same. Router works when set up right. Not perfect every single game. Wish you luck.

I was playing a fighting game with a friend and suddenly dropped from a 4 bar game to a 1 bar??? Magic??? No way, this is doing nothing to improve games online.

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Very odd maybe you can post settings. I've personally only seen 3 bar game one time since I had router. That was when servers were down other day. I never drop. 4bars. And to my knowledge not all games are supported. I've never tried a game not supported personally but it'd be no different than geo filter Off. Which means you could be playing with someone In Japan for all u know.

When you dropped do u know if anyone was doing something on network? Sounds odd

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Very odd maybe you can post settings. I've personally only seen 3 bar game one time since I had router. That was when servers were down other day. I never drop. 4bars. And to my knowledge not all games are supported. I've never tried a game not supported personally but it'd be no different than geo filter Off. Which means you could be playing with someone In Japan for all u know.

When you dropped do u know if anyone was doing something on network? Sounds odd

My friend is from Spain, same as me. And yeah, everyone fucking uses the internet in this house, that's why I bought the router, because my mum doesn't want to put more speed on our internet.

Btw, how's your speed? Bet you have a lot faster internet than I do.

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100 down 20 up

You move the priority to playstation 80? Set hyper Lane correctly? I assume something isn't right. I've run 3 iptv non-stop while playing bo3. Never any problems. But everyone's network is different.

100 DOWN 20 UP?? Guess that's why it works to you. I have 8.5 down and 1.6 up. That's why it's doing no shit for me. If you wouldn't had it, your Internet would work perfect anyways.

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If everyone uses the internet thats the simple reason why your spiking while gaming & if you have low bandwidth while everyone uses internet that'd be another reason & there is no "faster internet" it really all relates to how much down & up speed you have thru your isp really so if you don't wanna spike you need to upgrade your internet to a better speed where you won't notice any form of lag even if your family uses it while you do & if its a good amount you working with then its a bad setup on the netduma you need to figure out for your gaming to become better simple as that

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Try messing with the congestion control and make sure pre emptive. One in top left.

He shouldn't lag no matter what people are doing even on bad internet. If he is say on bo3 it's based off how far to server. He can turn down ppls internet in house and move around priority. Don't think he has messed with this as he might get in trouble with family members. Say Bo only uses 3 up n 3 down. As I've monitored while I play. Idk about game ur on now.

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If you have a lot of people at your place using it, maybe try using the device prioritization section which is below the CC sliders.  Based on your bandwidth, make sure you have at least 25% download and 75% for your upload set aside for your console.  Are you using the device prioritization?  that's your best bet when you don't have a lot of bandwidth to work with.  You can't do much with the cc sliders because it will limit everything too much. Plus make sure you have your console in the Hyper traffic lane.  Does that make sense?  Just be warned if you don't have "share excess" ticked  you'll get better games but everyone in your house may get mad because their stuff is so slow


Still good luck on your request.

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With that bandwidth I wouldn't prioritize anything in the network and just put your game console in hyperlane.

Leave C.C. alone and at 100% for down/up everything in the network evenly spread.


Turn Ping Assist to "0"


Make sure to put your console to use the geo filter and set it around 400miles around you.

This will not cause issue with the rest of the house on the network.

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If it's just normal traffic in your house set the cc sliders to 50% for both uo and down. Set the ps4 up and down to 80% on priority and make sure share excess is enabled. Set hyperlane for ps4 3074:source. This should give you enough priority to the ps4 and allow normal Web surfing to remain somewhat normal. Now if on the other hand you are downloading large files or someone is streaming netflix or youtube all the time you will have issues. Netduma cannot fix lack of bandwidth for each individual setup. That is fully disclaimed before purchase. Expecting someone to give you a full refund for a device that works because your internet is on the lower side of bandwidth is like asking for a fueling station to pay for car repairs when you put gasoline in a diesel yourself....



EDIT**** hyperlane ps4 3074: source and destination, both.

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If it's just normal traffic in your house set the cc sliders to 50% for both uo and down. Set the ps4 up and down to 80% on priority and make sure share excess is enabled. Set hyperlane for ps4 3074:source. This should give you enough priority to the ps4 and allow normal Web surfing to remain somewhat normal. Now if on the other hand you are downloading large files or someone is streaming netflix or youtube all the time you will have issues. Netduma cannot fix lack of bandwidth for each individual setup. That is fully disclaimed before purchase. Expecting someone to give you a full refund for a device that works because your internet is on the lower side of bandwidth is like asking for a fueling station to pay for car repairs when you put gasoline in a diesel yourself....

The page says it works with all kinds of connections (dsl, adsl and fiber). Plus, a lot of youtubers I watch recommend it to people like me, with a very low mbps.

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With that bandwidth I wouldn't prioritize anything in the network and just put your game console in hyperlane.

Leave C.C. alone and at 100% for down/up everything in the network evenly spread.


Turn Ping Assist to "0"


Make sure to put your console to use the geo filter and set it around 400miles around you.

This will not cause issue with the rest of the house on the network.

How many KM are 400 miles?

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How many KM are 400 miles?




Just so you know, if you're dropping to 1 bar because of other people using your internet then your settings are wrong or you have your network setup incorrectly.


For example, if you have a modem/router combo and the wifi is on, people connecting to this wifi will make you lag. I don't know how many times I've said this to people who don't know what they're doing - ALL of your internet traffic must pass through the Netduma at some point or it doesn't make sense to have one.

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The page says it works with all kinds of connections (dsl, adsl and fiber). Plus, a lot of youtubers I watch recommend it to people like me, with a very low mbps.

It does work with all kinds of conenctions, but it still cannot take the fact away that if you are expecting clean games with an 8Mbps/1.5Mbps service and your HAN is expecting or requesting 9-12Mbps and 1.5Mbps.  You start with 100% of your actual bandwidth and the goal is to have everyone happy while making your traffic priority, that cannot be done if your home uses more than you have. period.  You can try and adjust the sliders and make your PS4 prioirty overall but You can only squeeze 5 gallons of water in a 5 gallon bucket before it runs over.  You my friend are running over the bandwidth needed vs. desired.  That in no way means the Duma isn't working, matter of fact it's probably marching double time to try and correct your congestion. 

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Just so you know, if you're dropping to 1 bar because of other people using your internet then your settings are wrong or you have your network setup incorrectly.


For example, if you have a modem/router combo and the wifi is on, people connecting to this wifi will make you lag. I don't know how many times I've said this to people who don't know what they're doing - ALL of your internet traffic must pass through the Netduma at some point or it doesn't make sense to have one.

Yes what he said.  The Duma can only control what you put it in charge of and if you have a wired or wifi gateway with devices connected to it inline BEFORE the duma you are not helping your situation at all.

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a lot of youtubers I watch recommend it to people like me, with a very low mbps.


Just FYI I would say that 90% of Youtubers are liars. Don't believe a word they say... Now with that said, the Netduma does work with all connection types. You just have to have some knowledge of how to plug in a router and set it up, because unfortunately there is no such thing as magic.

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How many KM are 400 miles?



You can change the Geo Filter to show Miles or Kilometres anyway. There's a box just above the Geo Filter to change it.


* 400 x 1.6 = 640km.


You bandwidth is relatively low (enough for gaming though) but you should still be able to use congestion control to your benefit. And you should definitely be using Hyper Lane.


You need to run Ping Plotter, if you've already done it then post up the images or link to wherever you put them.

First we need to know if your internet line is stable.


You can find out by pinging to a large local server (something like your national news website), at peak time, direct from your modem (with an ethernet cable to your computer), while nobody else is using the internet at your house (disable their access completely). Test it for a couple of hours at peak time to get a useful result.

If your line isn't stable then that's a problem that needs to be resolved. No amount of settings changes are going to fix a bad line.


You also need to provide your network setup (equipment) and your settings on the Netduma so that we can see if you have anything set wrong anywhere.


Once we know that your line is stable and your setup is good, then you can find out the best Congestion settings to use with your bandwidth.

You can do this by running Ping Plotter (to watch for spikes) while putting a realistic load on your network, if someone is often messing up your games by uploading to YouTube then get another device uploading to YouTube while you're running PP. If it's someone using Netflix then set something streaming Netflix while you're running PP.


Make sure it's a 'realistic load', if too many devices are competing for relatively little bandwidth then it's going to crush it anyway. There's obviously a limit on how many things can compete for bandwidth before everything grinds to a halt - if you're gaming in Hyper-Lane with Priority settings in your favour, then it will likely affect the other people more than you if the load becomes too great.


Whilst you are running Ping Plotter you should adjust your sliders (and also try the flower) until you have minimised the spikes/jitter you see on the PP graph.

That's how I did it (thank you to the Dr for the method), it optimised my settings in about 15 minutes.



But you're playing Tekken Tag 2 though, yes? Which is pretty old, like 5 years? And you're in Spain.

I can't imagine that there are too many people playing that locally for you to choose from.

It may well be that there's a pool of a couple of hundred people (if that) and if they don't have decent internet then you're going to struggle to find any lag-free games.



* Seriously!? You don't know how to find out how to convert Miles to KM quicker than by asking on the forum?

Harsh as this is going to sound, if you put so little effort into finding that out (and don't know it already from junior school), then I would be astounded if you had your network set up properly.

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I was playing a fighting game with a friend and suddenly dropped from a 4 bar game to a 1 bar??? Magic??? No way, this is doing nothing to improve games online.

Sounds like your internet service provider, there's no way for the router NOT TO improve games, based on how it works with Geofilter, Ping Assist, Hyper-Traffic & the Preemptive & Reactive algorithms.


I'm not doubting your issue(s), but you're not looking in all the right places, wish you success in your future endeavours.

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Just FYI I would say that 90% of Youtubers are liars. Don't believe a word they say... Now with that said, the Netduma does work with all connection types. You just have to have some knowledge of how to plug in a router and set it up, because unfortunately there is no such thing as magic.

WELL THAT'S SOME CRAP!!! I just purchased a bin full of magic, from a youtuber,,, are you saying I got ripped?  LOL

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I agree lot of YouTube videos posted about the net Duma are lies. I see them posted on here and people dont understand. They jus want views for money. Don't care about info being false. I watched n tried many things posted and also told by people here that I was spreading false info. So don't believe what these people post about netduma. Especially will help low internet speeds.

Jus remember every video u watch. Puts money in their pocket. But they don't care of info is false or true. . Lot of time settings are different for each and every individual. I found my settings and more than happy with router. . I hope you find yours. Dont give up.

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As mentioned ^^ there are many YT'ers who spread misinformation, likely due to their own lack of understanding, not everyone lies though, they're just not tech-savvy & speak anyway lol.


Also as above, find your settings (and also sort your ISP) and you should be good to go with the toolset you have given to you with the R1.

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You've got a lot of different suggestions so far. 


To answer your main concerns - It does work with slower speeds, it's perfect for them actually when the router is correctly setup. 


In general though you need to:


Ensure ALL devices are connected to the R1

Recommend starting at 70/70 anti-flood

Console in hyper traffic

~1000km/650miles radius, strict on, PA 0. 


Turn the WiFi off on your hub to ensure people are not automatically connecting to it.

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