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Need help with geo filter

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Everytime i get on netduma my geo filter settings are changed its putting my location in the middle of the ocean with filter distance at 111.00km and ping assist at 50.00ms. When my settings should be in nj with ping assist at 20.00ms. Is this affecting anything with duma or bo3? Aslo im trying dslreports.com its saying geo location failed and not giving me blufferboat score. What should i do please help im new to this. Thanks

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  • Netduma Staff

Everytime i get on netduma my geo filter settings are changed its putting my location in the middle of the ocean with filter distance at 111.00km and ping assist at 50.00ms. When my settings should be in nj with ping assist at 20.00ms. Is this affecting anything with duma or bo3?


This sounds like you've applied the 'Cod Ultimate' profile - that profile moves your home location into the ocean.

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Everytime i get on netduma my geo filter settings are changed its putting my location in the middle of the ocean with filter distance at 111.00km and ping assist at 50.00ms. When my settings should be in nj with ping assist at 20.00ms. Is this affecting anything with duma or bo3? Aslo im trying dslreports.com its saying geo location failed and not giving me blufferboat score. What should i do please help im new to this. Thanks


@Geofilter: Have you made a Reboot Router click in the Miscellaneous Settings after you have set up your geofilter to save your settings for permanent ?

The router saves your data if you make a reboot manually.


@DSLReports: It's a bug in the service itself. I also get the geo location failed error message since 1 week. Nevermind. It works anyway.

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No i havent made a reboot after i changed my settings ill do that now. But for dslreports.com im not getting a score for blufferboat or the next score forget whst it is im only getting a score for speed and its a C. Dont no how it is bc i have 150/150 speeds

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Make sure since your inter etc is that high turn off deep packet processing. I wouldn't use cod ultimate profile either. Set your home location by yourself. Turn off strict. When you loading game settings for cod all the Servers in your circle radius will be servers. Servers only pop up when bo3 settings are being downloaded aka guy holding guns at main screen.

I don't use cc 99/99, PA at zero, miles 300, Port forwarding at 3074 Udp. I play hc tdm. Usually l 4 bar lobby 120k kills 2.3k/d. 367 spm. .

Easy way to tell if ur Shit working. Put on vmp or kuda Of ur mowing mofos down in. Using uav/cuav/hatr. . 40 kills in a game 1 assist. That tells me Duma a godsend. . If you getting assists like crazy with msg then something up. . Hope this helps. Duma won't fix every lobby so t judge this on 1 game. Base off like 15. Too many people have high hopes. I don't get perfect lobby everytime and campers ruin it somethings or lots of party lobby. Netduma does not fix a lobby if you see party's galore.

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  • Netduma Staff

Yes im using cod ultimate


That's why your home location was moving to the ocean then. This is intended and is how the profile helps you find low latency games. I'd definitely suggest using congestion control at 70% each way to ensure there is no local congestion. You could also try some of the different CoD profiles and see how they play.

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Yea i changed the cod ultimate moved my location takes a little to get in a game but does not run as smoothly as im hearing other people say. Not sure i have all my settings correct? What other advice do u have fraser. And again thanks for helping me out

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Make sure ALL devices are connected to the R1. 

70/70 anti-flood

Console in hyper traffic

~1000km radius around your home

Strict on

PA 0 to start

Auto&bleeding edge cloud ticked and applied


See how you get on with that.

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Ok ill set that up. Last question i know everything has to be connected to r1. I have T-Mobile phone service but i dont get phone service in my house so i got a signal booster but it dont work when i connect it to r1 but it works when connected to fios. (Its hard wired theres no wifi) is there something I need to change in setting for thst to work. If not having it hooked up to fios gonna cause problems with r1?

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Ok ill set that up. Last question i know everything has to be connected to r1. I have T-Mobile phone service but i dont get phone service in my house so i got a signal booster but it dont work when i connect it to r1 but it works when connected to fios. (Its hard wired theres no wifi) is there something I need to change in setting for thst to work. If not having it hooked up to fios gonna cause problems with r1?


Two thoughts, turn off turbo mode if you have it enabled. Does it work then? Turn reactive to preemptive, does it work then?


I shouldn't think it would cause too many issues being connected to fios.

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