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Lagging and being thrown into bad host lobbies

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As fuzzy has asked you need to check your ISP first to rule that in or out in the diagnostics.




Type twitter.com into target and press go, File / save image to save the plot to show us.


Do not use the net while you test and test in off peak and peak times, thank you.

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alright im downloading that program now and and i will get the picture and upload it here will just be a second. for my isp i contacted them and they said everything is fine but my upstream is a little high so he is coming tomorrow to sort that out. For the modem i just bought a brand new arris sb6190 surfboard and contacted them and they said it was in good working condition.

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You have to leave them running for a while and at peak times so from 7 pm on a night, it will always be worse while other users on your ISP download and stream.


You have only ran it for a few minutes.


In that short plot I see 60ms of jitter at its worst.


For your ISP to say there is nothing wrong is just mind boggling.

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I still have it running at the moment, but when i contacted them they said everything was fine and its the modem and when i contacted arris the only thing they could check was the snr ratios. i will show the technician tomorrow these pictures to help him out and i will post back tomorrow with more pictures while the program runs and keep everyone up to date.

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Remember to run some in the evening at peak times as of your time time now 2 am is quite or should be but you still have big jitter.


You could try new Ethernet cables etc.


I would take out the Netduma before the engineer arrives as they can only support their own gear.

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yea i will set up the the old router i have that they provided. The ethernet cables i did use are all brand new cat6 ethernet cables i recently bought within the month or so. I will also post back on the evening times where it gets a little more action around here. Thank you for the help i do appreciate it 

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You need to show these to your ISP you have some serious jitter and packet loss on the destination :(


Take some directly from your ISP hub though so they can not blame the duma.


I would try and move to Fibre/DSL if you can.

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Brother!  Those are some gnarly looking results you have there.  If you play twitch based shooter like CoD or BF, you would be getting wrecked.   :(


As a former cable guy for many years, who also switched away from cable for my gaming needs, that platform is the WORST for gaming.  Both your upstream and downstream paths are combined with every other customer on the block, which is terrible for combined noise, ingress, jitter and a ton of other electronic gremlins.


So here is what we need to best make the case that it's your line that is fucked up six ways from Sunday.


1) - We need a sample of no less than 2 hours in the late-late/early morning hours when all your neighbors are most likely asleep and the network is "quiet".   Put the interval at about 2.5 seconds per read and make sure you target a good quality host like www.Twitter.com. This will be your baseline of network performance.


2) - We need the EXACT SAME SAMPLE run during around the "after dinner" hour, around 7:00 PM.  This will be the condition of the line under duress, when all your neighbors are downloading, streaming and clicking through millions of Facebook pages.


The difference between the two, normally, would be the condition from best to worst.  In what I am seeing with your graphs, it will probably be from "bad" to "completely terrible" because fuck me.  That is some shit in your path my friend.  


That has to be in the top 10 we have seen for "bad" to start the testing.  It's definitely in my Top 5, but I also haven't seen all of the posts.


Suffice to say, there is NO WAY on this planet they can claim they DO NOT have a problem if your oteher tests look like those.  Holy hell..... :wacko:

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really not too sure what it all means just trying to have some knowledge while he is here to tell him. thanks


Essentially you need what used to be called a "Senior Tech" or an "Area Maintenance Tech".  The guys that get scheduled to come to the house and do in home service calls are booked solid and they usually have training and clearance to go from the house back to maybe the node that feeds your area.  The guys just above them in the "field technician" food chain are the guys that can look into the electronics further upstream.


Essentially what you have is a column with PL (Packet Loss) and the higher that number, the worse your overall connection is going to be.  From Hop 5, through Hop 9, your loss numbers are all over the place.  While I can't say with 100% certainty those indicate specifically the problem you do have, I can tell you what you have showing is pretty ugly.


See if you can change the interval time to 2.5 seconds and let the thing run for an hour or two.  The more information we can frame for them to understand, the better chance we have of getting you some help.

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Hi Loumano,


Can you right click on the graph at the bottom of ping plotter and change it to show a longer period of time please.

That's only showing us a 1 minute plot at the moment.

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