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This happened once before and I rebooted the thing and it worked for a bit but now it's not correcting the issue.  Does the geo-filter NOT work, sometimes, because of problems on Netduma's end?  If this is a thing (problems on Netduma's end) how do I know?  If this happens there should be something posted about it in the firmware's splash screen. 


Why does the geo-filter just stop working for no apparent reason?  This must be a known issue, I wouldn't believe anyone if I am going to be told it's not a well-known issue.  Is this just something I have to live with having paid a small fortune for this thing?  Can it be corrected someday with an update/upgrade?  I just got schooled by some noobs in Black Ops 3 who were in France and Latin America because I can't filter them out.  I hate when s*hit doesn't work and for no reason (ie. it's just glitchy).  If you guys tell me it's just because of buggy software I'll be okay with that answer but I would like some info about why it happens and if it is something that can actually be fixed.  Is a work-around rebooting a bunch of times until it starts to work?  Is there a magical set of steps, if done in a specific order, that works well to make the geo-filter kick in?


The geo-filter GUI is a nightmare... I imagine you guys have received a million messages about that but I hope it gets cleaned up in the next update.  The fact that the device doesn't store settings and you have to spend lots of time setting stuff up again after a reboot, that's annoying.  Just that the map, itself, doesn't remain at the magnification that you want is ridiculous. 


If I thought that throttling was a placebo effect like you guys claim I'd have no reason to have this.  It's very wonky (the software) and should still be in some sort of beta program.  It'd be worth the money if everything worked reliably and not just sometimes.  It messes up by bandwidth all the time and I have to reboot it do return things to normal (like my bandwidth just drains to nothing for no reason). 


I can only assume you guys are going to make this thing work like it should at some point. 


Any information about the geo-filter would be appreciated.  You don't need any additional info from me because I'm not doing anything freaky.  Just want to know about the bugs with this thing.  Thanks.


p.s. SORRY for my tone but I got a taste of what the geo-filter can do for me and so when I'm playing when it's not working and stuff happened that it might have prevented I get annoyed.  I shouldn't expect this sort of thing to just work ALL the time but I'd feel better if I understood why it works sometimes when I play and other times it just doesn't kick in at all...


UPDATE:  I tried rebooting again, and the geo-filter is now working.  Odd, but whatever.

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OK, take some pics of your screens so that we can check your settings. If the geo filter did not work I am sure that there would be a hundred threads regarding the issue but there are not.

Do you have cookies enables in misc settings? We need to know stuff like this so that we can help you optimise your settings.

So please post what your settings are and people will help you.


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Thanks for the reply.  I can't post pics right now (bedtime) but if the problems persists I will for sure.  I just played a few games with the geo-filter enabled (working) and I'm happy, again.  Laggers were trying to connect to the lobby and I was watching them get booted in realtime.  Man, when that thing does it's thing Black Ops 3 becomes an entirely different game.  If I just have to reboot a couple times when it doesn't seem to function (the geo-filter) I don't mind that... it's worth it.  But I'll do more research if/when it happens again (or post pics if I can't find answers).  It's just odd that it cuts out from time-to-time, especially when I know now that I can't play without it working.  This geo-filter is a God-send and I cry without it. 

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If this is a thing (problems on Netduma's end) how do I know?  If this happens there should be something posted about it in the firmware's splash screen. 


Why does the geo-filter just stop working for no apparent reason?


Is there a magical set of steps, if done in a specific order, that works well to make the geo-filter kick in?


The fact that the device doesn't store settings and you have to spend lots of time setting stuff up again after a reboot, that's annoying.


Just that the map, itself, doesn't remain at the magnification that you want is ridiculous. 


If I thought that throttling was a placebo effect like you guys claim I'd have no reason to have this.


I can only assume you guys are going to make this thing work like it should at some point. 


You don't need any additional info from me because I'm not doing anything freaky.


Just want to know about the bugs with this thing.


In respective order:



No problem on Netduma's end.


It doesn't.


No magic, just set it up correctly as per the wiki.


It does store settings. Enable cookies in miscellaneous settings. And you can set 'profiles' for multiple sets of custom settings.


The map does remember your zoom.


Throttling to 'get around lag compensation' is a placebo. Throttling to reduce local congestion is not a placebo.


It does work. Either you haven't read the wiki, haven't followed the wiki setup correctly, or haven't understood it.

Or many other things, such as a bad line. Or just bad luck in a lobby.


We do need information from you if you want us to try to help. Specific information.

This 'please read before posting a support thread' information.



If you want to know about bugs then read the forum, you can't expect for every thread on bugs to be condensed and then re-posted here.

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We get you local games, we can't prevent other people joining those games if its a dedicated server - if that's what you're referring to when you mean it's broken. 


Also to save reboot from miscellaneous settings instead of unplugging the router. 


If you give us the screenshots as asked for here - http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=lag_support_instructionswe'll be able to help out further.

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